Voodoo chat
Welcome to the Vlad Vostrykh's Voc-project homepage!
Voc is a stream-chat engine which is designed to work on high-loaded chat-servers. It is written in PHP, but uses Perl or C++ for Voc-daemon -- the special program to handle multiple user-connections.
With Voc you can establish a chat which will serve hundreds of visitors simultaneously. And it's html-based, so your chatters can use it from almost any browser.
The Voc-engine includes a lot of features so it will be interested not only for a big chat owners, find more at the about page
At the end of the intro, some voc-engine highscores (the data from a real chat):
- 10 387 unique visitors in one day (counted by extremetracking.com)
- 219 629 messages has been sent by visitors in one day (counted from internal messages log)
- 616 simultaneous users online (with new C++ voc-daemon, which was eating 1-3% of Pentium 4 2.4GHz and 18Mbytes of memory for that numbmer of visitors)
- Example of chat statistic
Random screenshot: 
Latest voc-project news:
15-th Sep 2006
There is a version of mod_voc (socket-forwarding module) for the web-server nginx:
23-d Feb 2005
Version of mod_voc for Apache 2 is available for download and tests. mod_voc2.c
Instructions are the same as for mod_voc.c (Apache 1.3.x module) -- just don't forget to add 2 into filename :).
Currently checked only as DSO (compiled with apxs utility).
8-th Oct 2004
Small update, fixes problem with smileys, 1.0 RC1b, download
If you have installed 1.0 RC1 already, just replace file chat/sender.php with new one from http://vochat.com/sender.txt
(don't forget to rename it to .php after downloading)
7-th Oct 2004
1.0 Release Candidat 1 is published. download
Since this version, there are no more differences between windows and unix versions, so you can download any archive you like.
The only difference is a packager (zip or tar.gz).
+ images posting (from harddisc & from other server)
+ configurable mod_voc
+ configurable avatar settings
+ additional parameter 'history size' for a welcome-page
+ statistic in c++ daemon (/vocd?stat)
+ removes 'session id' from messages
i 'default' skin is renamed to 'basic' (which is more correct i think :))
i conv.php generates smileys-codes with *code* (star at the end)
i my_time() for 'last action' and 'ban' times
i colors are always in default language (the same list for all users if they use different layout languages)
- bug fixes:
robot answers in mysql_engine
ban_check in mysql_engine
private frame in mysql_engine
tail ids updating in daemon.cpp, mysql_engine
ranges for int values in profile udpate
times for ban are displayed in system-language (the same for all users)
check for an image-type when uploaded (not just for file-extension)
htmlnick in mysql-ld_engine
rooms deletion in admin-zone
some xss
19-th Apr 2004
New version, 1.0 beta 2. Download here
Bug-fixes of 1.0 beta (especially in MySQL-engine).
Try and send your comments to the forum :)
8-th Apr 2004
New version, 1.0 beta. Download here
+ limit for the number of nicks registered on one email address
+ password reminder
+ pre-moderated rooms (messages from ordinary users must be approved by moderator)
+ possibility to use HTML-nicks (i.e. you can use some image to display your nick in the list)
+ examples of bad words filter (check chat/inc_badwords_filter.php)
+ messages formats were splitted (added 'from me' variants)
+ pages charset is configurable now (will be automatically applied to all pages and mails)
+ improvements in hi-tech skin
+ avatars can be used in messages frame (configurable)
+ messages window can be easy splitted to two (for 'normal' and 'private' messages)
+ ban by 'browser hash'
+ ban by ip-subnetwork (i.e. 192.168.1.xxx)
+ selectable interface language
+ mod_voc Apache module which allows you to use the chat-daemon through apache 1.3.x
(it means that daemon will be accessable on the same port as all other pages)
+ SharedMemroy was rewrited to use PHP's shmop_* functions
- bug fixes
Please, write you bug-reports into the forum
25-th Feb 2004
New logos :), thanx to timtak,
At the moment logos are displayed in a random way.
If you're prefered one of them, change the <img src="http://voc.sourceforge.php/pr.php"...> tag in selected design, just add ?l=N to script name,
where N is a number from 0 to 6, see below:
24-th Feb 2004
Ukrainian Language pack, thanx to Vitaliy Prudyus,
, http://vitaliy.iatp.org.ua
31-st Jan 2004
Project has own domain name now.
And new hostng, thanx to chat.flirt.ru. 2-head Xeon server, 4 logical cpu :). Should work better than sf.net with thousands users online.
I'm transfering content and for some time not all services will be available.
23-d Jan 2004
Azerbaijan language-pack, thanx to
2-nd Dec 2003
Four new language-packs for the last chat-version! :)
Spanish, thanx to Abe Pazos
French, thanx Olivier Santiano
And two German versions :)
German 1, thanx to Andreas Fiebrich
German 2 (includes the help file), thanx to Thorsten Wilkop
As usual, check "downloads"
18-th Sep 2003
Chinese language-pack is available, thanx to Liyuanzao
8-th Sep 2003
Romanian language-pack is in "downloads", thanx to
2-nd Sep 2003
If you're using MySQL-engine and C++ version of the daemon, please change daemon.cpp:
replace line 1005 from
return 0;
return current;
Precompiled version in the downloads has been updated (0.20.31b)
1-st Sep 2003
small update, voc-0.20.31a and windows version are in the download-area
31-st Aug 2003
At the last summer day I'm presenting the new version, voc-0.20.31
The main improvements is in registration process.
This version is also has some bug-fixes and security-improvements, so I'd recommend you to update your chat.
+ registration with image-code
+ registration with activation code to email
+ club mode (only registered users can login)
+ some admin function in files-engine was rewrited
to operate with 1000-lines block, not the whole file
important if there is a lot of registered users (>10 000) in the chat
+ configuration script was redesigned to make installation procedure easier
+ error handler
+ some security improvements
+ changes in daemon.cpp to avoid problem with different gcc versions (2.96, 3.2.1)
- bug fixes
The windows version will be published in next two days.
enjoy :)
3-d Jul 2003
David Zavoral, sent me a new czech-lang file (for latest voc-version), 99-smileys pack, and "brown" skin (which is based on Sirius's "silver").
As usual, check download area
16-th Jun 2003
The new version voc-0.18.16 has been released!
It includes the new daemon written in C++ (for MySQL & Files engines and only for *nix systems).
That daemon is 10-15 times faster than perl-version, and it can serve even more visitors (it was working with almost 500 users online).
Some other changes:
+ messages and ban/unban logging
+ options to hihglight messages if there is nick inside
+ options to enable bold, italic & underlined messages
+ configurable limits for user photos
+ new admin rights -- edit & delete registered user.
+ passwords are crypted with md5
i ban now uses 'canonical' nicks
And, as ususal, some bug-fixes :)
In the download area you can find Win- and *nix-versions of chat, pre-compiled versions of C++ daemon for Linux and FreeBSD,
and special version of perl-daemon wich works as windows system-service.
There are two new skins (blue and silver) in download-area.
You can test it at my demo-chat.
Thanx again to Emin Sadykhov aka Sirius
8-th Apr 2003
After one year of developing I'm glad to introduce the new release, voc-0.16.08
The main new feature is 'admin-permissions'. The new version also includes some important updates, so I recommend to update.
The 'Voodoo chat' now includes 80-90% of features I want to see in the 'ideal chat',
so probably version 1.0 will be released soon :)
Check download area